Century Plating Company

Frequently Asked Questions

Potential Customer FAQs

Select a potential customer question below to view the associated answer.

Can your facility meet demands for high volume jobs?

Yes, Century is set up to handle high volume product. Currently, we plate product for original equipment manufacturing companies in the automotive and the motorcycle industries requiring multi-millions of parts annually.

Do you process small, one-time orders or restoration parts?

No. Century specializes in high volume product. Small orders are not compatible with our process.

What is Century’s turnaround time?

Century's turnaround time is based on customer requirements.

Is Century Plating ISO Certified?

Yes. Century is ISO 9001:2015 Certified. View Our Certifications »

Can Century meet all Automotive Specifications?

Yes. Century is capable of meeting all automotive specifications. Currently, Century plates product for some of the top manufactures in the automotive industry.

Common Finishing FAQs

Select a common finishing question below to view the associated answer.

Can you plate for outdoor applications?

Yes. Century’s process is Duplex Nickel-Microporous Chrome Plating which provides excellent corrosion protection for outdoor applications.

Can you provide Polishing and Buffing before plating?

Yes. Century has polishing capabilities that includes both hand lines as well as a fully automated polishing machine.

Can Century plate on plastics?

No. We do not plate on plastics. Century’s cleaners and plating process are specialized for steel and some brass alloys.

Does Century offer zinc plating?

No. Century specializes in Nickel-Chrome plating.

Does Century plate a Copper layer before Nickel and Chrome?

No. Century does not plate a Copper layer in our process, but Century does substitute Nickel for that Copper layer. Substituting Nickel for Copper is allowed for all automotive specifications.

Does Century plate on Aluminum or die cast?

No. Century’s cleaners and plating process are specialized for steel and some brass alloys.

Can Century remove the Nickel or Chrome layers from a plated part?

Yes. Century has the capability to remove both the nickel and chrome layers from the part without damaging the base material.